Why our smart watch stress for “Sedentary reminder”​

This time I will mainly talk about the sedentary reminder function on smart watch.

Sedentary reminder means when you sit for a long time, then smart watch will remind you that you have been sitting for too long and you should get up and walk for a while. Sitting for a long time is not good for your health.

smart watch

Let’s take a look at what’s the hazards of sitting for a long time

The first one: sitting for a long time causes insufficient blood supply to the brain, resulting in a decrease in oxygen and nutrients to the brain, aggravating fatigue, insomnia, memory loss and will increase the possibility of suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.

The second one: sitting still for a long time can cause muscle soreness, neck stiffness, headache and dizziness, and aggravate people’s lumbar spine disease and cervical spine disease.

The third one: Sitting in office every day and working hard, will consume a lot of mental and physical energy, we should feel hungry, but why in fact we don’t feel hungry? ? It dues to sedentary.

The four one: sitting for a long time can aggravate people’s hemorrhoids, leading to stool bleeding and anal fissures.

The five one: When calorie intake is more than calorie consumption, it’s more easy to become fat. While obesity is a risk factory for many chronic diseases.

The six one: When people sit for a long time, the weight of the whole body is pressed on the bottom of the spine, and when shoulders and neck not moved for long time, which can easily cause cervical spine stiffness. In severe cases, it may even cause spine deformation and induce arched back and bone hyperplasia .

The seventh hazard of sedentary sitting: sedentary will press on bladder meridian, causing the disfunction of it, which will cause abnormal renal function.

Based on above reason, we’ve added the sedentary reminder as health reminder on our smart watch function.


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